Shirley Lohmaier

Connect To your Soul's highest Timeline and Walk in your New Earth Calling!

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In this session, Shirley shares Her insights and wisdom on:

  • How the New Earth is calling and presenting to us at this time

  • How to know that we are called to step up and serve in the New Earth

  • How we can access our soul gifts

  • Some of the ways we can step up our manifestation in the New Earth

SHIRLEY LOHMAIER is a Soul Healer and a Soul-Aligned Business Coach and the Founder of Soul Business Alchemy. She supports successful heart centred, conscious Leaders to heal their Soul, activate their Soul Mission and launch their Soul-led conscious business. She guides her clients to elevate their offerings and businesses in a deeply soul aligned way, so that they create more income and impact with ease and flow.

As a Healer, trained in the Spiritual Technology of Tao Inner Alchemy, Shirley helps her clients to embody their Soul’s light more deeply and step up in serving with their soul gifts, by activating their divine blueprint, vision, and purpose.

Her guiding vision is a world of Soul Aligned, heart-led leaders, holding key roles across all spheres of influence, supporting the New Earth for generations to come.

Shirley’s Gift to You


— Audio —

Join Shirley’s email list & download your free audio copy of her “Diamond Heart Activation” that will help you shift and hold much deeper light, and open your Soul-heart connection (the seat of your Soul's Wisdom and knowing).

As well as her “7 Keys to Unlock Your Unique Soul Path to Becoming a Spiritual Entrepreneur in the New Earth" - for those who are looking to step out in business impact!