Dr. Saskia von Diest

Ecofluency: Co-Creating the Future with Nature

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In this session, Dr. Saskia shares Her insights and wisdom on:

  • What Ecofluency is all about

  • How one can benefit from using ecofluency

  • Why ecofluency is important in co-creating a resilient and sovereign future for humanity

SASKIA VON DIEST, PhD., is the founder of Ecofluency, as well as a consultant, educator, activist, and occasional researcher in the field of Nature communication. Attending an animal communication workshop during her PhD in Plant Pathology in 2012 sparked her interest in how farmers use intuitive communication with nature to inform practical management decisions. From 2014 to 2020, she held two postdoctoral fellowships, at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, and at Coventry University in the UK, to investigate intuitive farming as part of a wider new field of subtle agroecology.

Throughout her postdoctoral years, she further developed her own understanding and practice in communicating with trees, animals, land, nature spirits and ancestors. She’s also trained as a Family Constellations facilitator and in the Way of the Warrior Healer.

In 2021 Saskia founded Ecofluency, to offer consulting, facilitation, teaching and coaching in Nature communication and promote other human voices in this field. With 14 years of experience in teaching and facilitating through various forms and in many countries, her passion is creating opportunities for others to have their own experience of communicating with non-human Nature and develop that for their own and the collective benefit.

Saskia’s Gift to You


— Tuning in to the body's wisdom for clarity & integrity —

We are Nature, and our body is one of the best instruments that we have to tune into the deeper intelligence and wisdom of Nature. This applies to all humans, regardless of whether you choose to communicate with more-than-human Nature.

This type of exercise changes our brain’s state from beta to alpha, and stimulates our parasympathetic nervous system, which is a state more conducive to deep listening and dialogue with Nature than when our sympathetic nervous system is more active.