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In this session, Das & Steve share their insights and wisdom on:

  • The importance of men’s work in these times

  • The beauty of transformative work immersed in the wilderness

And take us on a sensory journey into the wild

DAS LYON is an artist, designer, guide, ecologist, and his professional experience includes large scale painting installations, interior and exterior architecture, building and installation, landscape design, permaculture farming, furniture design and manufacture, brand development, and project management at an international level.

He has played drums with the desert Bedouin, spear-hunted with Origines, danced with the royals and languished in captivity with the Indian mafia.

Both traditional healer and herbalist, Das has written a popular new book on identifying South Africa’s medicinal plants. An avid adventurer and motorcyclist, he also teaches self-defence and is a long standing crew member of the local volunteer fire management unit.

He brings all his experience in these multi-disciplines together in his work as a nature-inspired soul-initiation guide.

STEVE FAULCONBRIDGE was born and raised in Africa, and has a deep connection with the wild places he calls home. Having achieved a master’s degree in conservation from the Prestigious Nelson Mandela University, he has a depth of knowledge and passion for the natural world.

A wildlife guide in the African bush for over ten years, Steve is a custodian for some of Africa’s last remaining wilderness areas, where he embarks on deep and spiritual journeys into the natural world. He has become one of South Africa’s favourite Wildlife TV personalities, having also established himself as a guide trainer and mentor. Steve brings a holistic and grounded view to all.

Having developed a passion for re-wilding, he is constantly enhancing his capacity to support men and woman in nature. His work also facilitates emotional-release and energy-techniques, within these re-wilding experiences.

THEIR Gift to You


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