Mbali Marais

How can I Best Serve the Earth?

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In this session, Mbali shares Her insights and wisdom on:

  • Broken links to the earth and how we best serve her at this time

MBALI MARAIS is an initiated diviner in the Dagara tradition, and a global medicine woman, with roots and legacies that include Bushman, Khoi Khoi, French Huguenot, Dutch and Portuguese. She resides in South Africa and has been working in the healing arts for three decades.

Her work now as an elder is all about "how can I best serve the earth?"

Mbali’s Gift to You


— Earth Part 2 by Mbali Marais —

Maybe showing our children how to love the earth before trying to save it, is a legacy worth leaving.

Earth did not say we don't belong. Humans did. These earth sessions are an invitation to engage deeply in exploring our relationship to earth and how they affect our sense of belonging, worthiness, abundance and scarcity. How do we serve the earth?