Janelle Hardy
The Wisdom of Listening to our Body and Telling our Stories
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In this session, Janelle shares Her insights and wisdom on:
Personal mythmaking
Why it is important to listen to the wisdom of our bodies and how we do that
How to connect stories and bodies and memoir-writing
JANELLE HARDY is the creator and teacher of an online transformational memoir-writing course called The Art of Personal Mythmaking. This process uses body-based, trauma-informed writing prompts, stories like fairy tale and myth, and themed modules to support people who want to heal from the di cult parts of their life stories as they write their memoirs.

Janelle’s Gift to You
— A free live workshop hosted by Janelle Hardy —
Register before 23rd November to attend the workshop live. Or register afterwards to receive the recording.
In this free 2,5 hour workshop Janelle talks you through how to look at your vast, storied and varied life and get started on writing it all down.