Divinity, Ascension and New Humanity

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If you’d like to have access to this and all the other close to 30 sessions in the Dreaming the New Earth Global Online Gathering series, you’re still in time to invest in Lifetime Access!

In this session, Dr. John shares his insights and wisdom on:

  • What the ascension is and how it relates to the New Earth

  • The 24th Chromosome and Quantum DNA

  • Starseed families, including the Sirian Blue White Collective, and how they are related to us and our planet

  • Attributes of the New Human and how these will help us create resilience

JOHN RYAN MD is a Professor of Medicine & Practitioner of Energy & Consciousness-based Medicine. He is an author (having published Unity Field Healing Vol 1 – Foundations of Energy Medicine & Quantum Healing) and founder of Unity Field Healing (UFH) - a new “quantum” process based on conscious activation of the DNA field to support healing & personal evolution. He channels the Sirian Blue White Collective – who support UFH and humanity’s ascension by DNA enhancement.

Dr. John’s Gift to You


— Opportunity to win one of three prizes —

In this contest three people will be selected to receive the full 3 audio session package of Unity Field Healing.

UFH is a quantum process to support healing and human ascension in the new energy.