with clara nisiri, kailash kokopelli & friends

Settle into a quiet space, where you’ll be uninterrupted. Take a moment, before you tune into the video below, to set an intention for our collective vision and prayer for the New Earth, for a world of peace, beauty, love and unity. The natural world order!

These are the prayers from all the presenters at this gathering you’re invited to join, with Clara carrying out an Andean Despacho ritual. A community ritual of thanksgiving for our Earth Mother and the dreaming of a new day she is birthing through us all.

We were going to be joined live by Kailash Kokopelli for this gathering, but due to an accident he is recovering from he was not able to join us live this time. His heart however is with us, as well as the gift of his medicine music and prayer. Please tune in to the track below after the ritual to hear and contemplate on the profound message he brings through.

KAILASH KOKOPELLI is recognised as a cross-cultural bridge-maker, medicine person and humanitarian artist working with indigenous people around the planet.

As a world music producer, multi-instrumentalist and expert in Sound Medicine he offers his instruments as prayer tools and keys to initiate self-healing processes.

Doors of expanded perception are being unlocked through his mystic songs and medicine chants to commune with Source.

The sound of his unique string instrument known as Tritar or Worldstick carries his Heartsongs, healing mantras and sung prayers into the world as an invitation to practice the Yoga of Song and sing along to co-create a unified energy field of grace where miracles can take place.

Inspired by his uncountable ceremonies and studies with Indigenous Medicine People since age 17,

Kailash facilitates prayer works and masters the Native American Prayer Flute as well as the mother of all flutes as one of the first European Didgeridoo players who has been working with the healing effect of sound since 1988.

Besides his spirit chants and overtone invocations accompanied by his medicine drum and Indian Shrooti Box, he teaches Sacred Songdances for Peace and Healing Chi Movements known as KACHIMO or DragoYoga at the Sanctuary Mystery School in Sweden and all around the globe.

CLARA NISIRI is the creatress of Alkhemical Dreaming, a body of work that weaves together dreams, family constellations, creative expression, ancestral and Earth wisdom, Nature immersion sacred ritual and more.

Parallel to enjoying a rewarding language career in the world of high-level institutions for almost two decades and living in several parts of the world, her journey of awakening has brought her to grow deeper roots and to realign her rhythm with Mother Earth’s heartbeat and Her call to the sacred work.

Clara’s mission is to support Self in reconnecting with its multiple inner and outer dimensions, to remember our mythical essence and understand and reclaim our sovereign place in both our personal sphere and the infinite Cosmos.

She is a student of ancient medicine traditions, of mixed cultural and ancestral background, and lives in the beautiful Eden District of South Africa, re-learning and re-membering a more empowered, self-sustainable way of life in communion with Pachamama.

CLARA’S gift to you!

Mark your calendar for Clara’s upcoming LIVE webinar:

Chakana Dreaming: Co-Creating with the Divine Intelligence Within & Without

on Tuesday 12 December at 8pm GMT+2 / 7pm CET / 10am PST / 1pm EST

Join at this link on Zoom at the scheduled time:

Webinar ID: 817 4278 8677

Passcode: 121223

I look forward to seeing you there!