In this session, Clara SHARES HER INSIGHTS ON:

  • Her personal journey of transformation

  • What is Alkhemical Dreaming

  • Family Constellations, dreamwork, ritual and the Chakana as tools for transformation

  • A bigger picture view for weaving an extraordinary life

CLARA NISIRI is the creator of Alkhemical Dreaming, a body of work that weaves together dreams, family constellations, creative expression, ancestral and Earth wisdom, Nature immersion sacred ritual and more. Parallel to enjoying a rewarding language career in the world of high-level institutions for almost two decades and living in several parts of the world, her journey of awakening has brought her to grow deeper roots and to realign her rhythm with Mother Earth’s heartbeat and Her call to the sacred work. Clara’s mission is to support Self in reconnecting with its multiple inner and outer dimensions, to remember our mythical essence and understand and reclaim our sovereign place in both our personal sphere and the infinite Cosmos. She is a student of ancient medicine traditions, of mixed cultural and ancestral background, and lives in the beautiful Eden District of South Africa, re-learning and re-membering a more empowered, self-sufficient way of life in communion with Pachamama.

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Mark your calendar for my upcoming LIVE presentation:

Chakana Dreaming: Co-Creating with the Divine Intelligence Within & Without

It’s happening on Tuesday 12 December at 8pm GMT+2 / 7pm CET / 10am PST / 1pm EST

Join at this link on Zoom at the scheduled time:

Webinar ID: 817 4278 8677

Passcode: 121223

I look forward to seeing you there!